Skeptical Man Plays "Human Guinea Pig" And Puts Penis Growth Pills To The Test…
Here's What He Found...
Are Results Like These Really Possible Or Is It
Just A Bunch Of Marketing Hype?
My name is Ryan, and I’m your typical guy.
I surf a lot of free porn sites, and like any guy, I definitely wouldn’t mind having a bigger dick.
So, I keep seeing these blog type sites over and over again. 99% of them tell the exact same story, that they’re some random guy, they learned the “secret” to a bigger dick from meeting a porn-star, and you can supposedly “grow your cock 4-inches in 4 weeks”.
I didn’t fall off the back of the bus yesterday.
Some random website, with some stranger promising he has a “magic pill” that’s going to make my dick look like Ron Jeremy… Yeah… Right…
…And I’ve got some beachfront property in Utah for sell…
Pornstar Cock Growth Smelled Like Scam To Me
But I Was Curious… And My Curiosity Really Got The Best Of Me…
I’m about average in size.
But I know for a fact, my girlfriend wouldn’t mind me being a little bigger than I am. I wouldn’t mind a little extra confidence either.
And most of these things are free trial offers.
So I started to try a few. First time out, I ordered, it was delivered within a few days.
I took it for a couple of weeks, noticed no changes at all, and canceled my trial. One thing I will say, the trials where very easy to cancel (just a quick email).
So far, still smells like scam to me, but I wasn’t out any money.
Then I Decided To Do A Little More Research For Myself…
I started researching these companies.
I started browsing forums talking about male penis pills. And much to my surprise, there were guys out there reporting similar results as to what the advertisers claimed.
Some guys would brag about improvements in lenght and girth...
Others would brag about harder erections, more control over their sex drives and things like that.
So I paid attention to what they were saying.
Basically, they hadn’t found a single solution to a bigger penis.
What they had found was a “1-2 combo” so to speak. From what I understand, the first pill they take sort of “sets the stage”, it fills your body with hormones that sort of pave the way for a bigger penis.
And then the second pill actually does the work. Once the first pill sets the stage, the second pill increases blood flow, and over time leads to added length and girth by meeting full erection potential.
Some guys were seeing results beyond anything I thought was possible..
...Just So You Know What Is Possible using Proper Dick Pills,
Check Out A Few Guys In Dick Pill Forums.
Once Again, Curiosity Got The Best Of Me…
This “1-2 combo” made sense.
And again, these companies offer these pills on a free trial, in the hopes that once they work guys will keep ordering them.
So I had nothing to lose and I went for it…
And I’m happy to say that it worked, well, sort of.
I did see a big improvement, not as many as 4-inches but it was very noticible!..
And the improved sex life is no joke either. I can get hard as a rock on command, and I’ve been having the best sex of my life with my girlfriend (she’s LOVING it) every since.
Here’s the “1-2 combo” I told you about…
So, not the results they were promising, but there is definite improvement, and my sex life is amazing... Plus it’s only been a month, I may see more results, I’ll post an update when I find out.
The last time I checked the sites they had stopped the trials, but after some Googling I found these links:
Don't forget to use these coupons:
I’m not sure how long those coupons will last, but as of this writing you can try them both out. If you like them just do nothing, and they'll automatically send you a new bottle every month for $49-$84 (easy to cancel), and if you're not seeing results just let them know within 14 days. Let me know how it works for you!
And don't forget - take BEFORE and AFTER photos of your penis and your body. Feel free to upload them here so that other guys learn from your success!
Ryan G.
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