Two GREAT Services Available for You Right Here - Right Now!
- Number #1 Google Recommended Technique for Search Engine Optimization
- Your Site Manually Linked and Submitted into Thousands of Web Directories
- All Directories are High Quality & Search Engine Friendly
- Manual Submission Process Ensures Inclusion
- Careful Category Selection
- Modified Text per Directory
- Gradual Submission Process Ensures Natural Link Growth
- Hundreds/Thousands of Permanent Links Pointing to Your Site
Professional Web Directory Submission Service, Utilizes Alternating Text and Manual Submission Process... Receive Hundreds or even Thousands of Permanent Web Links to Your Site!
Manual Web Directory Submission Service... Our professional service - DOES make a difference! Get your web site submittedMANUALLY with alternating text into all the important "search-engine-friendly" web directories! We are the internet marketing specialists with a proven track record for success to carefully add your web site into hundreds and even thousands of important web directories to get you PERMANENT Website Links!
Your Satisfaction is 100% GUARANTEED!
"Website Directory Submission is One of the Most Important Internet Marketing Steps You Can Take..."
Act NOW for our Limited Time Offer!
Hurry, Don't Miss Out! Get Hundreds of Permanent Web Links...
Starting at Only $149
Hurry, Don't Miss Out! Get Hundreds of Permanent Web Links...
Starting at Only $149
Web Directory Submission Service | ||||||||||||||||||||
Click to see sample information required when ordering (Step 5 of ordering process) |
*Also available... services can be completed over a gradual
time period to achieve better search engine rankings...
The Web Directory Submit service is the safest, easiest and most cost-effective way to get your web site linked and connected on the internet. Links from hundreds of top web directories will reach both consumers and businesses, improve your search engine ranking positions and help your website to build valuable Google Page Ranking™ too!
With this service you will...
Build PERMANENT One-Way Links Direct To Your Site!
- Manual Submissions into web directories reach the important databases correctly and without spamming. We do not use software or automated methods to submit your site. We spend hours and hours to correctly and professionally submit your web site into the best SEO friendly web directories on your behalf.
- Build Permanent Web Links! We know you need them and this service delivers! The more Backlinks that your web site has, the more traffic and the better search engine positions and rankings that your web site will command. Every site can use more permanent web links!
- Submissions will reach quality web directories... Many of the directories that we submit your web site into will have a decent Google Page Ranking™ which in turn will help your web site's page ranking and search engine positions. We constantly update our submission lists to reflect all thetop web directories, giving you a huge advantage of having your web site linked in the right places!
- We know our submissions represent YOUR business! All Submissions are done with proper care and thoughtfulness to assure proper categories are selected. Correct web titles and descriptions are always used for each of your web directory site listings.
- We know where your website will get the best results with web directory links. We concentrate on getting your web site linked in those directories that have faster review times.
- Quality submission reports are provided to you on a regular basis that let you know the progress that is being made on your behalf.
- Steady increases in the quantity of web site links pointing to your web site will keep your web site in good favor with the internet's most important search engines.
- Enhances the overall value of your online web site with more links pointing to your site.
Grow your web traffic... enhance your Google Page Ranking™... receive better search engine marketing for your web site... build permanent web site links... get Web Directory Submit NOW! Did you know that Google, Yahoo and MSN consider listings within quality web directories as a valid source of back links. In fact, Google actually recommends submitting to web directories... they state specifically:
“Submit your site to relevant web directories such as the Open Directory Project, Yahoo! as well as into other directories and industry-specific expert sites.”
“Submit your site to relevant web directories such as the Open Directory Project, Yahoo! as well as into other directories and industry-specific expert sites.”
QUALITY BACKLINKS... One very important aspect of effective search engine marketing is to add to the quantity of your web sites Backlinks in a way that indicates a nice steady increase in the number of links pointing to your web site. This is a factor that most of the major and important search engines look for in order to help determine a valuable web site. Gradually increasing your web links over time is a great way to build your positions in the search engines. Growing your web links organically and in a natural progression is very desirable! That is exactly why we offer our Web Directory Submit service in a format in which the web submissions are completed over a period of time rather than all of them being done at once. However, if you prefer, we can still do all your web submissions at once, but it is not usually recommended for the best or maximum search engine results. For most web sites we usually recommend the gradual approach toward building your web site links.
Low Prices! Starting at only $149.00...
Your Satisfaction is 100% GUARANTEED!
SUBMISSION REPORTING... As a Web Directory Submit customer, you will receive a submission report after each round of submissions have been done on your behalf. This will ensure that all submission data and the submission sites meet your satisfaction. This report lets you know where your site is being submitted into and that proper care has been taken to build your links and grow your online search engine marketing efforts. When you receive your email message report from us it will show you all the data that was used for your submissions and the list of web directory sites in which your web site has been submitted. In many cases will also see the exact category placement that your web site has been submitted into as well as the web directory itself.
Here is a screen shot of a sample submission report...
Customer Testimonial
James SterlingYour web directory linking and submission service really worked great to get our site exposed on the internet. We used your mall link service first and had great results and now after adding this web directory service - it is just like adding ice cream to the cake! In my opinion it is a perfect "one-two" website promotion combination! Thanks Majon! We really appreciate your hard work!
Pres. Lorming
FREE & NON-RECIPROCAL LINKING... Our Web Directory Submit service is conducted by submitting your web site url and details into all the best FREE web directories on the internet. That list is changing daily as good new directories become available, and some older directories change in ways that make them less desirable relative to other directories, or perhaps they no longer accept submissions at all. We will determine the best and top directory submission list for your particular web site. Additionally, you will not be required to place any links on your web site that point back to any of these web directories. These are all non-reciprocal one-way links pointing direct to your web site!
For more high-traffic web links to your site visit our Mall Web Linking Service
Q. If I select one level of service now, can I change it later to a different level of submission service?
A. No, please select the web directory submission service that is best for you at the start. We are very organized and feel it is important to not change things in order to provide the highest level of service possible to our customers. In most instances and because of the way that search engines work, the VERY BEST service option for you is going to be the default selection which is:
Q. Can I use your Mall Link service and your web directory submission service at the same time? Are there any dangers of using both of these from a search engine point of view?
A. Yes, you can definitely use BOTH services at the same time and benefit greatly in terms of receiving more targeted traffic and better search engine rankings! The way that our Mall Link service works is completely different from the web directory submission service. Our Mall Link services provides links inside our high traffic sites that are within our own database and under our complete control. There are positively NO dangers whatsoever from using both of these services at the same time from a search engine point of view. As a matter of fact, combining our Mall Link service with this web directory submission service is a perfect 1 - 2 combination of services that is proving to be among the most substantial and successful internet marketing strategies that most web businesses truly need!
Q. Does this service also submit my web site into the search engines as well?
A. No! Absolutely not! Submission into search engines is a different process and is a service that we offer separately: Advanced Ad Search Engine Registration Service
Q. Are there any restrictions on what kind or type of web sites that you will accept for submission?
A. Yes there are... We do NOT accept porn, affiliate links or hate sites. Additionally we can only submit top level / root domains such as: and not things like: type urls.
Q. Will I receive a bunch of junk emails as a result of these web directory submissions?
A. You will notice that on the order form we ask you for a submission email address and a contact email address. The contact email address is the one that we use to send you reporting details and is never given out to anyone else. The submission email is the email address that is used where a web directory requires an email address to be submitted. Only that submission email address will receive some extra emails, and it is advisable to check it periodically in case some web directories require a link to be clicked to confirm the submission. Most of the web directories do not send a lot of emails, and only a very few will require a link to be clicked in a confirming email.
Q. What is the success ratio of our service for actual listings?
A. It depends upon the nature of the site, but our experience tells us that at least 60 - 65% of the sites that we submit into will result in approved links for your web site.
Q. How long will it be until I see my new links and receive positive search engine results?
A. Our service is very much - results oriented! Please be patient though because many directories are human editor based. That means that it may take some time to approve your web site into some of these directories. Also search engines crawl web pages about every 2 - 12 weeks, so it takes at least that much time for your Google Page Ranking™ improvements to appear for your web site. But all of these benefits will soon appear for your web site and your business will be in a much more marketable position as a result of this high quality, search engine marketing service. Happy Marketing!
Your Satisfaction is 100% GUARANTEED!
Reserve ACCOUNT U3148230 Starting at Only $149
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